

Grown organically and distilled in a copper alembic according to the laws of nature.

Ingredients: Oregano (Origanum majorana) distilled water with naturally occurring essential oil components. Preservative-free, non-alcoholic.

Properties: antibacterial, anti-fungal, tonic and regenerating.

Application: Oregano is very healing as a mouthwash or gargle for cankers, mouth sores, gum and tooth infections, and sore throats. Oregano hydrosol helps to better manage energy resources. Can help calm nervous and hyperactive people. It is useful for those who cannot enjoy carpe diem, who hide in their world and distance themselves from the environment. For people who constantly get the same experiences but don’t learn anything from them. Oregano is indispensable in the kitchen for sauces, pasta, chicken, meat, even fish. Diluted is a delicious daily drink that is part of an overall health care program.

The hydrosol is loaded with bio-active energy, so it will help as much as it is needed and who needs it.



Grown organically and distilled in a copper alembic and guided by the laws of nature.

The hydrosol is safer than the essential oil, as there is no risk of dermocausticity or damage to mucus membranes. In practice the hydrosol has shown significant antiseptic and ant-ifungal properties.

Specific for the digestive and intestinal tract, oregano has traditional use in Turkey, Lebanon, Greece, and other countries where the herb proliferates as a daily beverage for overall digestive health. You can go to a café and order a glass of oregano hydrosol as easily as a coffee in some of these places. Try an aperitif of oregano before your main meal of the day or before particularly rich foods. Internally combine it with juniper berry for urinary and renal-system infections and as a blood purifier. Use to treat lymphatic infections or weakness of the immune system or to strengthen the system during the allergy season. A general health tonic, it supports weak or delicate systems.

Oregano is very healing as a mouthwash or gargle for cankers, mouth sores, gum and tooth infections, and sore throats; pour one tablespoon two or three times daily until symptoms clear up. Use in a sitz bath or douche for vaginitis, candidiasis, pruritus, and similar conditions; combine it with other appropriate hydrosols like lavender, rock rose, immortelle, or one of the chamomiles. It is useful in colonics, particularly as part of an anti-parasite treatment; combine it with internal oral use daily for three weeks.

Oregano is indispensable in the kitchen for sauces, pasta, chicken, meat, even fish. It is a delicious daily drink that is part of an overall health care program.

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100 ml, 30 ml